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¡Empezamos el tercer trimestre!

Antes de realizar cualquiera de las siguientes sesiones, no olvidéis calentar los músculos durante 5-7 minutos aproximadamente.

También debéis realizar ejercicios de enfriamiento (vuelta a la calma) de los mismos.


Podéis guiaros sobre ello en el apartado WARM UP and COOL DOWN.

Session 1:"Noughts and crosses" or "Tic-tac-toe".

Aquí os dejamos esta divertida propuesta del juego "Las tres en raya". Podéis usar distintos materiales que tengáis en casa para ello. Incluso con las rayas del propio suelo podéis hacer "el tablero". 

Session 3


In a closed space, we have to move along the lines of the house floor without losing my sight of them. When I bump into a member of my family I have to go to the other side without leaving the line. You must hold and balance between them.


We have to squat (squatting=cuclillas)  and with my hands on the shoulder of the other member of my family, I have to knock him down without losing my balance posture.

Session 2: "Functional training".

Realizamos este entrenamiento en casa. Antes de empezar recordad que debemos calentar nuestros músculos durante 5-7 minutos aproximadamente y al finalizar realizar ejercicios de vuelta a la calma.


I place myself on the floor together with a member of my family. You should both be in a balanced position on a line from the floor (both feet, one behind the another one, placed in line) and try to get the other out of the line. You can also do it on a square to make it easier.


We have to sit down in a circle. One of you will make the signal. When the others listen to it, you have to try to get up from the floor without resting your hands from it. If I succeed, I have to try to do it at least 3 times in without falling down.

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7 #CHALLENGE2

Session 8


Session 9

Session 10


You will need a piece of fabric/cloth (scarf). In pairs, one will blindfold and the other will be the guide. You should take his partner for a walk around the house without touching him or her. It will be done through prompts with words or sounds. Once finished, you should change roles.

Session 11

Session 12

Session 19


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